Monday, December 8, 2008

Maxx's Turn To Blog

Hi!It's Herman again.I've been posting stuff about my family so I want Maxx to tell a little about his family.

Hi it's Maxx.I know you love to hear about Herman and his family but......he begged me to write a post about my family and I.You might know that my brother Zach loves to skateboard and my sister like all little girls loves her Barbie dolls and things like that.My mom is practically a blogger legend.Her blog has gotten her into a lot of things like reviewing products,books and she even gets interviewed sometimes.A few of my other family members are Ashley and Lauren.I see Ashley all the time and she's always taking my family places!We don't usually see Lauren because she is so busy in school, but when we do she's nice.

Some of my closest friends are Matt (one of Herman's best friends),Ryan (another one of Herman's best friends), Nick, Melanie, Meaghan, Lindsey, Nick, Jada, Talia, and many more people.All my friends are really funny.Two of my friends have blogs so make sure to check them out!

Lindsey's blog is: LOOPYLINDSEYSLIFE

So remember to look for more posts from Herman and check out the other blogs I told you about! 


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